Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Many people had been scammed in the internet, one of this is called Identity theft the criminals will send you a letter that says the credit card company want your personal information like you credit card I.D. and password then they will use that or sell it to other criminals. But why are so many people had been a victim of this in the internet? Because some of the people have a lack of knowledge about these type of scamming stratigies. Many are blaming the credit card company because of the lack of security in using credit cards.
But the real problem is us. If we will not be too confident in giving our personal information in the internetwe will not be scammed easily by the scammers.
No-a-days we don't have a law of this kind criminal act. But I hope that the government will make a law for the Identety theft. We can handle this problem if we have enough security or laws for this problem.....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

hahahaha.. its my first time to join a blog site!!